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How do I get a Ticket

Do you like what you see and want to join us at one of the next events?

Great, we can not wait to have you!  At the end of this page, you get to the registration for our next events.  So please take a few seconds to read the following.

Let us explain how the ticket sales go and what different types of Tickets we have.

Here are the  roles at our Event, we will have 

  • Inmates (Bottom (white hood – Safer Sex, Black Hood – everything goes))
  • Maintenance Crew (Fluffer (red hood – only blowjobs, no fucks – know your place!))
  • Guards (Tops)
  • Deputies (our trained Volunteers)
  • Marshall  (our trained Kink / Dungeon Monitor)
  • Warden (in Charge of the Volunteers) 2nd in Command
  • The Judge, is your Host, and 1st in Command

How to get a Ticket:

Every guest (Inmate or Guard)  has to register for the event before he will be able to get tickets. The registration process includes some legal private information and contains the Liability waiver. Since we do not make any preselection for race, age, or body type we do not ask for information that can give us this information. We need to ask for the Birthday in order to check if the guest is legal and to avoid us saying no to you at the door. When you check in at the venue on the day of the event we need to be able to confirm the ID Data with your Ticket / Registration. So please put in your Legal Name as it shows on your ID (with all middle and First names, with hyphens or without – even when the ID is wrong – we need to be able to see if that is the person that signed our waiver.)

If you want to apply for a Deputy Role (Volunteer) there is a special signup for that.

After Registration, the way to get Tickets is different for the Roles:

  • Guards (Tops) will be forwarded to the ticket site and can buy Tickets and Add-ons right away.
  • As an Inmate (Bottom) with registration, you will be registered directly into the Ticket Lottery. The Lottery is the best way to have a random mix of all ages, races, and body types. Since we only give out one Ticket to Inmates when X Ticket of Guards are sold we draw constantly out of the Lottery Pool for that event.
    All Inmates will be randomly selected. When a Draw happens all fully registered people will be getting a random number appointed and the system selects a set of numbers according to the amount of numbers needed. In every Draw, ALL will be included that registered for that particular event. So the chances for all applicants are the same.

After you have been drawn in the lottery we will notify you via email and you have 24 hours to buy the ticket before we release that ticket into another draw.  We will draw continuously until a) the event is sold out or b) the event day approaches. The last two days before the event the time for buying a ticket shrinks to 12 hours. Either way – if you get notified and know from the time you receive the email that you will not be able to join any longer, please simply answer the email and give another Inmate a chance to be drawn.

We offer a (Ticket) merge option (xChange Guarantee) : If you are Vers and want to join in any way at the event, please buy a Ticket as a Guard (Top) and also join the lottery for Inmates. We do not combine Ticket sales and the lottery data. So we are not influenced by any more information. That means if you already bought a Guard ticket we might still draw you in the lottery. If that is the case you have the choice to change your ticket from Guard to Inmate.  This is the only way to do that! That way if you are not been selected in a draw to buy an Inmate Ticket you will join us as a Guard. And when you have been selected then instead of buying a second ticket let us know in an answer to that email that you have a Guard Ticket and want to switch!

A very important side note: Tickets are personalized and a resale is not allowed. This also is true for saved and earned Tickets – those are not transferable.

At the venue, we will check if the ticket is in the correct name if there is no match we will not let the guest in.
If you need to change a name on the ticket please contact us before the day of the event you have the ticket for.

Any more questions about Tickets? No problem just send them our way, we will try to answer as fast as possible:

The best way to reach us is a DM via Telegram or write an email please include the Name used on the Ticket and the related eMail that way we can find your Ticket the fastest if you have already bought a ticket.

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