Wall of Honor – Awards

The Wall of Honor

See all the Good Behavior Awards for Inmates (GBA) and the Guards Line of Duty Awards (GLD) winners.

GLD: The Guards’ Line of Duty Award

This award, chosen by our dedicated volunteers (Deputies), recognizes outstanding guards who exemplify our core values. Photos of each participating guard are displayed on a tablet throughout the event, allowing Deputies to cast their votes.

The Focus: Beyond Physical Attributes

It’s important to clarify that the award is not based on physical appearance or sexual prowess. Instead, we celebrate guards who demonstrate:

  • Sportsmanship: A positive attitude and willingness to participate in a fun spirit.

  • Rule Compliance: Upholding the rules and regulations with integrity.

  • Going the Extra Mile: Consistently exceeding expectations and displaying dedication to their duties.

So while we all find a big dick sexy this is not what we are looking for when we find our winner. But we learn that sometimes a nice guy can have a good dick as well and vice versa. 

GBA: The Inmates Good Behavior Award

Every event at our facility celebrates inmates who demonstrate positive behavior. Our “Good Behavior Award” is voted on by both our Guards (“Tops”) and Deputies (“dedicated volunteers”).

During intake, we take photos of inmates who opt to participate in the Good Behavior Award program. These ASS-MugShots are used by the Guards and Deputies for voting during the event.

Since each event features a unique group of inmates, guards, and volunteers, the winner of the Good Behavior Award is always well-deserved and reflects the positive behavior displayed within that specific event.

The Winners will always be announced in a Newsletter after the event. The Winner of an Award gets a free Ticket to a future event.


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